Running Fix blog

Complex injuries ... running fix podiatry can help you

Running Fix is not your typical podiatry business. We offer so much more, and specialise in running and sports injuries. 


Treating Complex Injuries

As a podiatrist, I'm often surprised (but also frustrated and disheartened) when patients sit in my chair and describe of pain or an issue that has troubled them for an exceedingly long period of time, often months or even years. They have seen their GP, their Physio, their Chiro, etc. They have tried countless different treatments and given up their favoured exercise routine. They are struggling both mentally and physically because they can no longer do what they want to without pain, and their pain seems impossible to resolve.


I believe this issue stems from a lack of understanding within the community (amongst both the general public and health practitioners) about the scope of practice for Podiatrists. We can do so much more than just cut toenails and prescribe orthotics. Essentially, we can help you with any complaint or issue from your lower back and hips, all the way down to your feet and toes.


Don't get me wrong. Doctors and other Allied Health professionals can often assist with the management of lower limb issues, and play a significant role in holistic patient management and multi-faceted treatment. However, we specialise in lower limb care for a reason and I believe that patients are often seeking advice in the wrong place - perhaps due to poor understanding, or an issue of cost and lack of health cover for podiatry services. Especially when more complex issues are at play, perhaps patients are too patient in seeking further advise if they aren't getting a resolution, or maybe a lack of referral for Podiatry care from other professionals is also at play?


Certainly it can't be forgotten that injury resolution is also heavily reliant on a patient's commitment to the process. You need to be both physically and mentally invested because injuries don't fix themselves. If you are prescribed exercises, you need to do them. If you're prescribed rest, you need to rest. If you need to spend money on new shoes, or new orthotics, or a supportive brace, there is a reason for those recommendations. If you don't trust the injury/pain management advise you've been given and you are questioning recommendations, then you won't get the results.


If you aren't confident in the advise you've been given and seem to be getting nowhere with your injury, then perhaps it's time to seek another opinion.

However, consider also that it's a fine line to walk. Seeking multiple different opinions regarding an injury can cause confusion and lead to distrust, particularly if there is conflicting advise.


Injuries do not fix themselves, and nor to they resolve overnight. Without resolution, an injury will linger and have long-term effects on your wellbeing and lifestyle. In a podiatry sense, this can manifest in many ways, including worsening severity of your injury, development of additional injuries (lower limb or higher up the chain), increased fatigue, compensations in gait, and changes to shoe wear patterns. Keep in mind that the longer an injury is present, the longer it will take to overcome and resolve. You need to be realistic in your expectations, and you need to give them time - particularly if you've had longstanding pain.


Despite this, I still firmly believe that treatment should always have some immediate benefit. It may not be pain reduction. In fact, I would argue that often it's not reduced pain or a physical response, but rather a sense of clarity and mental calm that comes from having more information and the right tools to implement a comprehensive treatment plan. Treatment can, and should provide:

- Answers about your injury and why previous treatments have been unsuccessful

- Strategies for short-term pain manment

- Strategies for long-term resolution and future injury prevention

- Outline likely symptoms and what to expect throughout the treatment process

Together, this should provide you with trust and confidence in the process, and set you on the path to injury resolution.


How Can Running Fix Help?

As with any profession, we all have our specialty areas. My focus and passion is sports injuries. I've worked in private practice since graduating, and a vast majority of my patients have been runners and sportspeople. Being an athlete myself, I have experienced my fair share of injuries, and can empathise with my patients. I know how disruptive injuries are to our training routine, sporting performance, and overall health and wellbeing. I enjoy being able to dive into the complexities of lower limb and foot pain issues, and helping my patients return to their normal exercise routine after injury.


Running Fix is my own business, and I endeavour to go above and beyond for all my clients in order to provide the best treatment possible, taking the following approach:

- Consultations are extended compared to a majority of clinics, which allows time for a really thorough analysis of injury and training history, footwear, functional strength, biomechanics and gait.

- Treatment is tailored to the individual, and I send a follow up email after each consult to my patients (as well as their coach or other health professionals involved in their treatment)

- Depending on the presenting complaint and expectations, I will follow up with a personalised message or email to check on the progress of my clients during their treatment

- Referral for imaging and/or another health professional as necessary and within a timely fashion - ie. no change in symptoms, to confirm the diagnosis or severity of injury


If you have been struggling with foot or lower limb pain, particularly if your concern has troubled you for some time and you haven't seen improvement, I would love to help.